Halfway there!

We’re halfway through Fae Awareness 2012, and I think the point has been made: don’t mess with the Fae, and don’t believe a thing Yeats says. This man, right here:

He’s on their side. Not yours. True facts.

Don’t forget to check out the huge giveaway — and remember that every time you comment on another fae awareness post from this year, it’s another entry. And if you haven’t seen our first short fiction, Meghan Brunner’s “The Tithe”, well, it’s delightful. Scroll on down.

Hope you’re enjoying it as much as I am!

❤ Katey

The Fae are back in town!

It’s here, once more it’s time for Fae Awareness Month! The other awareness months have admittedly faded a little over the last couple of years but not the fae, the tricksy little (or not so little) mites…

I’m half inclined to put it down to them, the others, those in the limbo lands, the inbetween but I guess it comes down to the person at the helm, none other than author of the extremely dark fae novel, ‘Scripped‘, KV Taylor, who has made sure that this year is as fun-packed, nay, even more fun-packed than last, with the regular: movies, reviews, articles and giveaways, written by a whole host of talented writers, bloggers, fans, etc.

We start today with The Wizard of Oz, and what better way to open than with one of the best films of its or any other genre in fact, a true masterpiece of cinema, pretty much the only musical I will watch, based on the idea that apart from the seminal ‘Over the Rainbow’, sung by Dorothy at the farm, all the musical numbers are in a dream/fairytale world and not actually real…(rather than other musicals where my suspension of disbelief is tested to the full when car mechanics suddenly burst into a song and dance routine in the middle of a working day!)

The films and first episodes of our chosen TV series are available on Dropbox. If you’ve got it, let us know and we’ll add you to the folder, if not then create yourself an account and find yourself the proud owner of 2GB of free storage!

What more is there to say for now, except to get ready for an excellent month of film, literature and blogging goodness that will give you new insights into the world of the fae and might even lead you to realize that they are actually amongst us…


Fae Awareness: The End and Index

Thanks to everyone who blogged, read, watched, enjoyed, and otherwise contributed to this inaugural Fae Awareness Month! Nice start to the summer, huh? Let’s be sure and do it again next year. Don’t forget to leave your suggestions in the Toby Daye Contest Post, and you could win some cool fae books for being so kind as to help your fellow humans. (Also, us here at FAM. But that’s a given.)

June flew by, and I don’t know about you all, but there are a few posts I’d like to revisit and delve into a little more deeply. So much goodness in so few months — yes, we definitely need a recap by category, don’t we? So here’s your trusty Fae Awareness Post Index, and I hope it proves useful. At the very least, it might inspire something for your contest suggestion, right?

Fae Awareness Blog Posts: 2011


Sam Kelly’s ongoing re-read of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. When I think fae, I think of this book. How about you?

Sam also brought us an in-depth examination of Shakespeare’s fae in our inaugural post: ‘Tis Almost Fairy Time!

Louise Bohmer discussed writing about (and respecting) the fae with her cracking post on Peering into the Fickle Eye of Fae.

Cate Gardner was kind enough to let us reprint her beautiful modern fairy tale, “The Forest of Discarded Hearts”, from her Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits collection.

KV Taylor’s reviews of DC/Vertigo’s Books of Magic (Gaiman, Bolton, Hampton, Vess, Johnson) and spinoff Books of Faerie (Carlton and Gross parts, anyhow) TPB collections bring the fae to the comic world. [Ed note: yeah, that’s me, I know.]

Sue Penkivech gave us a rundown of The Fae in American YA — quite a task, but she rose to it and went beyond! (We’re pulling for more of the same next year.)

Alexandra Seidel brought us an indepth look at Goethe’s “Der Erlkönig” and where it fits into Another Beginning: Fae, Death, and the Romantics. A corker!

Orrin Grey delved into Holly Black’s Spiderwick Chronicles, mostly as brought to the bigscreen, but also in general. We need to cover this one next year, yes?

D.S. Stephen compared Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess’s Stardust to the movie of the same name, with hilarious results.


KV Taylor reviewed the weird and wonderful Russo-Finnish epic, Jack Frost.

Mark Deniz gave nostalgia a talking to in his insightful look at The Dark Crystal.

Michelle Davidson Argyle proved that 80s cinema is a powerful modern force with her review of Legend and its influence.

Anita Howard brought us a deeper look at Labyrinth — and at what attracts us humans to the fae, no matter how aware we are of the danger.

Lisa Kessler tackled the reinvention of Tinkerbell, and defended fairy magic in general, in Disney’s wild adventure, Hook.

N.K. Kingston wove her knowledge of selkie myths into a thoughtful review of The Secret of Roan Inish and Ondine.

Sam Kelly kicked off our solstice party with Peter Hall’s delightful  adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a great companion to his Shakespearean fae post earlier in the month.

Carrie Cuinn speaks of love and music and boys in her look at Were the World Mine. Who can resist?

Carole Lanham went after something beautiful and freaky when she broke down Snow White: A Tale of Terror for us.

Sue Penkivech pronounced The Brothers Grimm a story worthy of the Grimms themselves. Check it out and see why.

Meghan Brunner reminded us what it looks like when our world and the fae connect in her review of the haunting Pan’s Labyrinth.

D.S. Stephen’s review of the Stardust movie should go here, too, for the sake of completion! (Plus, it’s just that funny.)

And for bonus films, Orrin Grey’s review of  The Spiderwick Chronicles deserves another mention here, and we also got Alexandra Seidel to give us a preview of Karasu. Definite ringers for Fae Awareness 2012, wouldn’t you say?


Alexandra Seidel’s rundown of several Japanese fae creatures and/or demons — complete with pretty pictures — in Fae From Afar and… Cucumbers?

Mark Deniz brought us, that’s right, gamer culture! He explored the nuances of the fabulous Beware the Fae (or at least the Quickling).

Jen St. Louis carried us over the Atlantic for a first-hand account of Iceland: land of fire, ice, and hidden people. Also, and I can’t say this enough: Elf Sex.

Meghan Brunner finished the month out with her very important PSA: A Final Word of Caution (aka Play Nice and Don’t Piss Them Off).

Which, as you will have noted, was quite the point of our little awareness drive! We’ll see you next year — with bells on. Or, if Alexa Seidel has her way, buttons. (Hint: she will probably have her way. And you could have yours, too! Enter! Win! Yay!)

And you know what July is, right? Here’s a hint: it bites even harder than a pissed off fairy.


It’s the first night of Fae Awareness Month!

I know what you’re thinking. “Really? The fae? As in fairies? Tinkerbell? Okay, she kind of copped an attitude, but these little guys can hardly present the threat to humanity that zombies, vampires, and other Awareness Month critters do…”

You’ve been reading Yeats, haven’t you?

Yes, my friends, the fae are scary, and it’s our intention to raise awareness of this fact. Oh, they can be benevolent when it suits them, and we’ll have ample evidence of that this month, too. But we couldn’t endorse making any deals with them, and suggest that you refrain from making them angry.

While a single month is too little time to cover the depth and breadth of the fae the world over, it’s at least enough time to make a decent start. Fae Awareness Month blog posts consist of movie reviews–both of the movies we all plan to watch together on given days and of bonus movies not on the list, book reviews, stories, academia, cultural explorations, and all other manner of awareness-raising activities. If you have a favorite fae, a movie, a book, a legend, an experience you’d like to share, leave a comment, send an email, let us know. Drop us links to your favorite resource sites, stories, and magazines. Make yourself at home.

Like Puck says in tonight’s movie, we’re pretty hopeless as a species. But at least with proper awareness, we might stumble through mortality a little more safely.

Ängsälvor by Nils Blommér 1850

Ängsälvor (Fairies of the Medow) by Nils Blommér, 1850 // Source: Wikipedia

Pre Game Warmup Post

Welcome to the inaugural Fae Awareness Month, June 2011. Things get into swing tomorrow, but for a brief explanation of what’s going on here, check out our “About” page.

For now, here’s the list of movies we’re going to watch while we’re chattering happily about the fae:

1. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
2. Jack Frost (Morozko)
3. The Dark Crystal
4. The Neverending Story
5. Legend
6. Labyrinth
7. Hook
8. Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest
9./10. The Secret of Roan Inish/Ondine
11. No Such Thing
12. Were the World Mine
13./14. The Brothers Grimm/Snow White: A Tale of Terror
15. Pan’s Labyrinth
16. Stardust
17./18. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory/Alice in Wonderland

For more information on each title, as in which version, what day it’s slated for watching, and if it has a reviewer scheduled yet, check out this google doc. There’s still time to get involved if you have a fae related topic to explore or want to get in on the review action. Just let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

We’ll see you tomorrow for Shakespeare–and that’s just the beginning!